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Paulfaci's Shop

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Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.




Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.
Mega End of Year Christmas Quiz

Mega End of Year Christmas Quiz

Treat your students to a fun and interactive way to end what has been another busy start to the Academic year with this Christmas Quiz. 90 questions to get your students thinking and competing against each other - including General Knowledge, Celebrities, Current Affairs, Music, Sport, Guess the Logo, Movies, Flags and PSHEE/Citizenship Wishing everyone a great Christmas break! Answers included.
Personal Finances - Savings

Personal Finances - Savings

Students understand the importance of saving for the future by looking at how a Current Account works, a brief description of the main savings accounts and an analysis of Needs v Wants. Links to Barclays LifeSkills - You can tailor this to suit your own needs. I have used the Budget Game which is produced by Barclays as the lesson that follows this - hence why I have linked a homework piece for this lesson to help prepare students for this.
Exam Stress

Exam Stress

KS4/5 Exam Stress PSHEE Tutor lesson - identifying signs/symptoms of stress and possible ways to overcome it. Lots of opportunity for discussion and sharing of ideas. Includes three videos which students can relate to.
Christmas Quiz Bonanza!

Christmas Quiz Bonanza!

Back by popular demand! A festive quiz for secondary students - 8 rounds of 10 questions featuring: general knowledge, music, celebs, geography, RE, citizenship, sport - something for everyone! Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy!
Challenging casual homophobia, racism and other oppressive language

Challenging casual homophobia, racism and other oppressive language

Too often our students use 'street language' or casual use of flippant jokes to describe situations in their lives, i.e., "That book is gay...." or "oh that's so retarded" Clearly this is an inappropriate use of language and must be challenged. This tutor resource offers some strategies to stand up to and challenge the inappropriate use of this language. Your school policy should also support this type of work, staff should be trained and resources should be at hand to give to those individuals who require more support.
Acid Attacks: First Aid and prevalence in London

Acid Attacks: First Aid and prevalence in London

Given the recent rise in acid attacks in London due to anyone being able to buy acid, less sanctions for perpetrators, and easy to inflict harm - it is essential that students are aware of this and more importantly, know how to apply basic first aid in the event of an attack occurring to them or someone they know.
Knife Crime: London epidemic fatal stabbings

Knife Crime: London epidemic fatal stabbings

Given the significant rise in fatal stabbings in London, I wanted to provide KS5 students with some basic first aid advice about how to apply first aid as a first responder. This tutor PSHEE session also provides some discussion points around the law, prevalence of attacks, data analysis from Met Police. It is also interesting to ask students what is needed to break this cycle of young people entering youth gang culture/knife crimes.
Tackling anxiety and depression - building resilience

Tackling anxiety and depression - building resilience

Young people are faced with so many issues today. It is a national issue, young people crumbling under the pressure. Anxiety/depression are continuing to overwhelm our students. I've put together this resource to help understand what it is, to help talk about the issues and using a 6 domain of resilience to get students thinking about how they can overcome these (and other mental health) issues.
Bereavement: overcoming grief

Bereavement: overcoming grief

To support young people in dealing with the grief that follows a bereavement, this tutor session demonstrates a model of grief, understanding feelings, how to move on in life, offer support and encourages to download the Grief Support app from Childhood Bereavement UK - this will help make the lesson more interactive/engaging.
Careers Education -

Careers Education -

7 Resources
Aspirations, goal setting, employability skills, personal qualities, CV writing and employee rights.
Personal qualities: incorporate into your CV

Personal qualities: incorporate into your CV

A tutor PSHEE lesson on what personal qualities are, encourage students to think about who they are, what their personal qualities are best suited for in terms of career paths. This can be incorporated into a CV lesson
Vaping: is it safe for young people?

Vaping: is it safe for young people?

Vaping is on the rise for young people. With new regulations in the UK as of May 2017, I put this PSHEE tutor resource together to get students thinking about the impacts of vaping on their health. There are lots of videos to watch/discuss. You will need to change slide 9 to reflect your own School's response to students bringing vape equipment on school premises.
Child Sexual Exploitation / E-Safety

Child Sexual Exploitation / E-Safety

4 Resources
CSE KS3 and 4 assemblies and a PSHEE tutor session on E-Safety. Consequences of posting inappropriate online behaviour in an attempt to bring down someone's reputation.
Child Sexual Exploitation KS4

Child Sexual Exploitation KS4

This resource should be delivered by a member of safeguarding/PSHEE leader. Utilises some CEOP videos, how to report CSE online, ChildLine, Police, Think U Know, the Law, Consent, Short and Long Term consequences
Child Sexual Exploitation KS3

Child Sexual Exploitation KS3

This resource should be delivered by a member of safeguarding/PSHEE leader. Utilises some CEOP videos, how to report CSE online, ChildLine, Police, Think U Know, the Law, Consent, Short and Long Term consequences
E-Safety: consequences of  inappropriate online behaviour

E-Safety: consequences of inappropriate online behaviour

This resource uses a video called 'Tagged' (Australian) to show the immediate consequences of online trolling and posting inappropriate material online in an attempt to bring someone else reputation into disrepute. There is also an interesting clip about online trolling - freedom of expression or should trolling be made illegal - class debate.
Mega End of Year Quiz

Mega End of Year Quiz

MEGA - End of Academic Year (2017) Quiz covering: general knowledge, current affairs, famous places, celebrities, music, sport - answers included. This is intended for UK settings, however, other countries may find it useful and can adapt questions to suit their settings. Have a great Summer Holiday! Enjoy…


An introduction to what asthma is, triggers with emphasis on the over-use of deodorant/perfumes at school, applying first aid. I have also included some support material (Asthma UK), which I found online for teachers to extend their own knowledge.